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The Work of God's Children

 Alpin (Gavot) Rosary Prayers
This language is a dialect of Provençal [which is also known as Prouvençau or Mistralien.]
  Alpin is also known as Gavot, Valeien, Gapian, and Forcalquieren.
This language is spoken by 250,000 people in southeastern France, in the province of Provence, south of Dauphiné, in the  region of Nimes in Languedoc.  It is also spoken in Italy and Monaco and other regions totaling about 350,000 people world-wide.

See also The Work of God's Children page for the illustrated version of prayers in this language.

Paire Nòstre / Our Father / Pater Noster
Paire Nòstre, que siés dins lo Ciel,
que tio nom se santifique
que tio Rénhe véne,
que ta volontat sibi facha
dins lo Ciel e sus la tèrra.
Dona-nos, aura, lo pan de tuchi lhi jorns
e pardona-nos i nòstri peccats
coma nosautri ilh pardonèm
an aquilh que nos fan de mal.
E pòuça-nos pas a la tentacion,
mas delibera-nos dal mal.

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