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The Work of God's Children

 Weri Rosary Prayers
The Weri language is also known as Weli and Wele.
This language is spoken by 4,200 people at the headwaters of Biaru, Waria and Ono rivers, in Wau District, Morobe Province, Papua New Guinea.

See also The Work of God's Children page for the illustrated version of prayers in this language.

Our Father / The Lord's Prayer
Tenim Pep kutömweri wëaup,
nim yapinte ngëëngk wiaap.
10. Ni wais wa ngaöök nimë.
Kutömweri wëaurö nim këm ngön
ngaarëk yeö pöl e yangerak wëaurö
teenta tapël ëënëak kent yaë.
11. Ni peene kët epta könkön kaömp nimp.
12. Tenim saunatë kangut kërë nuula.
Tenökta omnaröa saun tenimëën
yaalni pötë kangut tapël kërë
yemoolak pötaanök.
13. Moröktak nuulëënganëp,
pim naëaan ent ë nuulë.

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