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The Work of God's Children

Tupí Rosary Prayers
This language is now extinct, but was once spoken throughout  Brazil.  The first written recordings of this language were made by Jesuits in 1575 and onward.  Most colonists coming to Brazil would learn Tupí so they could communicate with the Indians and other early colonists who spoke it.  In 1759, the Jesuits were expelled from Brazil by the Prime Minister of Portugal and the language began to fall out of use rapidly as many new colonists, who continued to speak Portuguese, were immigrating due to the discovery of diamonds, gold and gems in the Interior of Brazil. This language was spoken for another century, yet its influence on the language continues to this day.

See also The Work of God's Children page for the illustrated version of prayers in this language.

Our Father / Ore rure (1500's)
Ore rure vbacpé Ereico. Toicoap pauemgatu aua vbu
Iagatou oquoauae charai b’amo derera reco
Oreroso Ieppé vuacpé. Toge mognanga
deremipotare vbucpé vuacpé igemonang iaué.
Araiauion ore remiou Zimëeng cori oreue. De guron oréuo
orememoan angai paue supé, orerecomemoa sara supe supe oregiron iaué.
Eipotarume aignang oremomoaugé. Eipea pauemgne ba ememoam ore fuy.
Emona né toico, Iesus.

Our Father / Ore rouue / Nostre Pere
[Translation in French (1600's) ]
Ore rouue vuac peté couaré
Nostre Pere és Cieux qui es.
Ymoe tepoire derere toico.
Aduienne ton Royaume.
Teiè mognan deremimotare yboipé vuacpe iémognan eaue.
Soit faicte ta volonté en la terre comme aux Cieux.
Oremiou are aiedouare eimé ioury oreue.
Nostre pain quotidien donne auiourd’hui à nous.
De ieurou orè yangaypaue resse.
Pardonne nos offences.
Ore recome mossaré soupè ore ieuron eaue.
Comme nous pardonnons à ceux qui nous ont offencez.
Maar ocar humé yepé tecomemo poupé.
Et ne nous induits point en tentation.
Oré pessuron peyepè mäe ayue souy.
Mais nous deliure du mal.
Amen Iesu.

Another version of
Our Father / Oré r-ub
Oré r-ub, ybak-y-pe t-ekó-ar,
I moeté-pyr-amo nde r-era t'o-îkó.
T'o-ur nde Reino!
Tó-ñe-moñang nde r-emi-motara yby-pe.
Ybak-y-pe i ñe-moñanga îabé!
Oré r-emi-'u, 'ara-îabi'õ-nduara, e-î-me'eng kori orébe.
Nde ñyrõ oré angaîpaba r-esé orébe, oré r-erekó-memûã-sara supé oré ñyrõ îabé.
Oré mo'ar-ukar umen îepe tentação pupé, oré pysyrõ-te îepé mba'e-a'iba suí.

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