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The Work of God's Children

 Timorese Rosary Prayers
This language is also known as Uab Meto, Atoni, Timor, Timol, Timoreesch, Timor Daiwan, Ambenu, Vaikenu, Biqueno, and Rawan.
This language is spoken by 586,000 people on western Timor Island, Indonesia.

See also The Work of God's Children page for the illustrated version of prayers in this language.

Our Father / The Lord's Prayer / Hai Ama
Hai Ama abit neno tunan,
Fe hai mimtausan Ho kanam on le'u knino
Fe Ho plenat in nem
Fe Ho lomim anmoni bi paha pinan,
on Ho lomim anmoni bi neno tunan,
muno'u kai hai mnahat nok neno i
ma-msako kai hai tusa sanat
on hai amsa haim sako hai atusat sin sanat;
ma kais Hom topu mutam kai bi lais su'at,
mes mufetin kai na'ko ale amle'ut in tuaf.

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