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The Work of God's Children

 Tamazight Rosary Prayers
Tamazight is also known as Central Shilha and Middle Atlas Berber.
This language is spoken by 3,000,000 people in Morocco. It is also spoken in Western Algeria.

See also The Work of God's Children page for the illustrated version of prayers in this language.

The Apostles' Creed
La c´ehagh s-Rebbi
Vav i qubban
I d-idjan lqaà d'ig'enwan
D'Sidna Aisa
Yiwen n-mis ag'ellid negh
Yuqmith-id Iman Iqedsen
Thurwith-id Lalla Meriem
Itsqrah daw dula n'Bilatus
Irgha, w iqur w itswamdhel
Ic´ub ar themes
Yulli ar ig'enwan
Ass thlatha i-kred s-gwid iqoren
Yiqim ar-thayfusth n-vava Rebbi
S'anda ad-yas ad' iqas wid' idren d'wid' iquren
Cehagh s-Iman Iqedsen
D' ldjamà iqedsen
Tsukra techrihth
D'lqill leghladh
Tsud'erth id'umen

Our Father  /  Thazalith làama
A vavath enagh illan g-ig'enouan
Isem ik' ad'-itsouaqeddes
Seltna'k ad-tsas
Levghik' ad'itsouakhd'em
Am lqàa am ig'enni
Efk-agh-d ass aghroum am koul ass
Afou-iagh siiàath ennagh
Smaken nsemah
I ouid' iagh idhelmen
Ou agh-tsaoui ara gher oujerrev
Lakin sellak' agh g-cheerr Echrir
Imi i k'etch i daim
Seltna, Thiymerth d'Laàdhima
I Leqroun n'-Leqroun.

Note: (´) following a letter means there is a credilla beneath that letter

Our Father / A Babath ennagh illan g-ig'ennouan
Athaia amek' ilaq atszallem:
A Babath ennagh illan g-ig'ennouan.
Isem ik' ad'-itsouuaqeddes,
seltena-k' ad-tsas,
Ibghi inek' ad'-itsouakhed'em am g-lqàa am g-ig'enni.
Efk-agh-d assa aghroum am koul ass,
àfou-iagh siiath ennagh amakken nsemah i ouid' iag-ittellemen;
our agh-tsaoui ara gher oujerreb,
lakin sellek' agh g-cherr Echrir.
Imi i ketch i daim,
selttena tsizmerth d'-làdhima.

Hail Mary / Ad' sellemegh fella-am a Lalla
Ad' sellemegh fella-am a Lalla
Meriem Itchuren d'serr
Ag'ellid' illa y-id'em
Thtswaberkedh g'err yawk lkhalath
U Yachuà id-dja thasam itswaberek'
A Lalla Meriem imma-s Rebbi d'àu iagh
Newkni igheldhen, ass-a d'imar n-tsagharth

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