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The Work of God's Children

 Scots Rosary Prayers
This language is also known as Highland Scots, Gàidhlig, and Gaelic.  It is spoken by 100,000 people in Scotland, United Kingdom.

See also The Work of God's Children page for the illustrated version of prayers in this language.

An ainm an Athar, agus a Mhic, agus an Spioraid Naoimh. Amen.

Faither o us aa / Our Father / Pater Noster
Faither o us aa, bidin abune,
thy name be halie.
Let thy reign begin.
Thy will be dune, on the erthe,
as it is in Hevin.
Gie us ilka day oor needfu fendin
an forgie us aa oor ill-deeds,
e’en as we forgie thae wha dae us ill
as lat us no be testit,
but sauf us frae the Ill-Ane

Another version of
Faither o us aa / Our Father / Pater Noster
Faither o us aa, bidin abuin,
thy name be halie.
Lat thy reign be begoud.
Thy will be dune, on the yird,
as it is in Hevin.
Gie us ilka day wir needfu fendin
an forgie us aa wir ill-deeds,
e’en as we forgie thae wha dae us ill
as lat us no be testit,
but hain us frae the Ill-Ane.
[fer the croun is thine ain,
an the micht,
an the glore,
for iver an aye.]

 Fàilte dhut a Mhoire / Hail Mary
Fàilte dhut a Mhoire, tha thu lan de na gràsan;
Tha an Tighearna maille riut.
Is beannaichte thu am measg nam mnà,
agus is beannaichte toradh do bhronn, Iosa.
A Naoimh Mhoire, 'Mhathair Dhé,
guidh air ar sonne na peacaich
a nis, agus aig uair ar bàis. Amen.

Dia Liom A Laighe / God With Me Lying Down
Dia liom a laighe,
Dia liom ag eirigh,
Dia liom anns gach rath soluis,
Is gun mi rath son as aonais,
Gun aon rath as aonais.

Criosda liom a cadal,
Criosda liom a dusgadh,
Criosda liom a caithris,
Gach la agus oidhche,
Gach aon la is oidche.

Dia liom a comhnadh
Domhnach liom a riaghladh,
Spiorad liom a treoradh,
Gu soir agus siorruidh,
Soir agus siorruidh,Amen.
Triath nan triath, Amen.

God with me lying down,
God with me rising up,
God with me in each ray of light.
Nor I a ray of joy without Him,
Nor one ray without Him.

Christ with me sleeping,
Christ with me waking,
Christ with me watching,
Every day and night,
Each day and night.

God with me protecting.
The Lord with me directing.
The Spirit with me strengthening.
For ever and for evermore,
Ever and evermore, Amen.
Chief of chiefs, Amen.

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