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The Work of God's Children

Pennsylvania Dutch Rosary Prayers
This is also known as Pennsylvania Deitsh, Pennsylvania German, and Pennsilvanish.
This language is spoken by 85,000 Amish people in Pennsylvania and Ohio, USA.

See also The Work of God's Children page for the illustrated version of prayers in this language.

Our Father / Unsah Faddah
(English-based writing system)
Unsah Faddah im Himmel,
dei nohma loss heilich sei.
Dei Reich loss kumma.
Dei villa loss gedu sei,
uf di eaht vi im Himmel.
Unsah tayklich broht gebb uns heit.
Un fagebb unsah shulda, vi miah dee fagevva vo uns shuldich sinn.
Un fiah uns naett in di fasuchung,
avvah hald uns fu'm eevila.
Our Father / Unser Fadder
(German-based writing system)
Unser Fadder im Himmel,
dei Naame loss heilich sei,
Dei Reich loss kumme.
Dei Wille loss gedu sei,
uff die Erd wie im Himmel.
Unser deeglich Brot gebb uns heit,
Un vergebb unser Schulde,
wie mir die vergewwe wu uns schuldich sinn.
Un fiehr uns net in die Versuchung,
awwer hald uns vum Iewile.

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