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The Work of God's Children
Ottawa Rosary
It is also known as Odawa, Sauteuse, and Eastern
Ojibwa. Most of the text is taken from Bishop Frederick Baraga's
Catechism written during the middle 1800's..
The Ottawa language has undergone certain changes since this was text
was written and is now spoken by about 8,000 people around Lake Huron
and in
southwestern Ontario, Canada.
See also The
of God's Children page for the illustrated version of
in this language.
ndebwetwaa gzhe-mnidoo weyoosmind mzode gegoo netaawtood,
I believe in God, the Father Almighty,
gaa-giizhitood waakwi aki gaye,
Creator of heaven and earth;
nindebwetawimaan gaye ogwisan bayezhigonijin,
I believe in His only Son,
Jesus Christ Debeniminang,
our Lord, Jesus Christ.
wenizhishinijin manidoon
By the Holy Ghost
He was made man;
Mariian gaagaangowinijin ogii-niigihigoon;
born from the Virgin Mary;
gii-godagitoo megwaa ogimaawinid Ponce Pilatan;
he suffered under the reign of Pontius Pilate;
gii-badakakwahwaa jiibayaatigong;
was crucified;
gii-nangwahwaa gaye;
and was buried;
anaamakamig gii-izhaa;
went down into hell;
waa-ni-niso-giizhigadinig gii-aabijiibaa;
the third day he rose again from the dead;
waakwiing gii-izhaa, namadabi odebaninikaaning gizhe-manidoon,
he ascended into heaven, and sits at the right hand of God,
weyoosimiminjin mizode gegoo netaawitoonijin;
the Father almighty;
mii dash wadibi ge-bi-onjibaad ji-bi-dibaakonaad bemaadizinijin
nebonijin gaye.
from thence he shall come to judge the living and the dead.
nindebwetawaa wenizhishid manidoo.
I believe in the Holy Ghost.
nindebwetaan gichitwaa-Catholik anamihewigamig,
I believe in the Holy Catholic Church,
gechitwaawendaagozijig owiidookodaadiwiniwaa,
the communion of Saints,
the forgiveness of sins,
aabijiibaawin ezhi-owiiyaasing,
the resurrection of the body,
gaagini bimaadiziwin,
and the life everlasting.
ape ingi.
Father / The
Lord's Prayer / Pater Noster
Our Father, who is in heaven.
Nossina waakwiing ebiyan.
May your name be hallowed.
Apegish gichitwaawendaming gidanoozowin.
May come your kingdom.
Apegish bi-dagwishinoomagak gidoogimaawiwin.
What you decide, may it happen equally in heaven as on earth.
apegish izhiwebak dibishkoo waakwiing mii go gaye akiing.
Give us today our bread, as much as we use every day.
noongo a-giizhigak nimbakwezhiganiminaa minik eyooyaang
Forgive us whatever we have offended you with, just like
gaye gaa-izhi-nishkihinaangi,
we forgive those who have offended us.
OJ: eji-bonigidetawangidwa ga-iji-nishkiiiangidjig.
Do not lead us into temptation
gego gaye
izhiwizhishikaange gagwe-dibeningewining,
and hold us far from what is bad.
dash ininamawishinaang mayaanaadak.
Ape ingi.
/ Hail
Mary / Ave Maria
Kit anamikon, Marie,
ka moshkineshkakoyan
Manito sakihitiwin; ki te-
hing ta Kije Manito.
Apitc kakina ikwewok ki
minatendagos; minaten-
dagosi kate ka gigish-
Kitchitwa Marie, Kije
Manito wegimik, anami-
hetamawishinam, metci-
ijiwebisiyang nongom
kaye wi ani nipoyang.
Another version:
anamikon Marie / Hail Mary / Ave Maria
I greet you, Mary
OJ: Kid anamikon Marie,
who are full with mercy.
OJ: mwashkineshkagoian jawendjigewin.
The Lord is with you.
OJ: Debendjiged ki widjiwig.
Most glorious are you among the women.
OJ: Awashime ki kitchitwawendagos endashiwad ikwewag
And glorious is Jesus whom you had in your body.
OJ: kitchitwawendagosi gaie ga-gigishkawad, Jesus.
Holy Mary, Mother of God,
OJ: Kitchitwa Marie, wegimik Kije Manito
pray for us sinners
OJ: gaganodamawishinam bata-ijiwebisiian,
now, and when we will die.
OJ: nongom gaie api ge-niboiang.
OJ: Mi ige-ing
Be / Gloria Patri
Gichitwaawendaagozi weyoosimind, gaye wegosimind, gaye wenizhishid
Glorious is the Father and the Son, and the Holy Ghost.
epiichi-gichitwaawendaagozigobane gayat, gaye noongo gaagini gaye.
Glorious as He was in the beginning and is now and will be forever.
apine gaye gaagigekamig. ape ingi.
always and for ever and ever. Amen.
Another version of
Gloria Patri
"gichitwaawendaagozi weyoosimind, gaye wegosimind, gaye wenizhishid
"Glory be to the Father and to the Son, and to the Holy Ghost;"
"epiichi-gichitwaawendaagozigobane gayat, gaye noongo, gaagini gaye.
"as it was in the beginning, is now, and ever shall be. World without
"ape ingi."
daanii dash ge-doodang enamihaad
ji-agindang anamiheminan?
What shall a Christian do to count the beads of the Rosary?
mii sa ge-doodang waa-agindang anamiheminan:
This is what he shall do, he who wishes to count the beads of the
nitam da-jiibayaatigonige. mii dash ji-ikidod iwi anamihewin:
First he shall make the Sign of the Cross. And then say this prayer:
"nindebwetawaa gizhe-manidoo ...".
"I believe in God ...".
gii-ashkwaa-ikidod dash iwi anamihewin da-ikido ningoding:
When he has finished saying this prayer, he will say once:
"noosinaa waakwiing ebiyan ...".
"Our Father who are in heaven ...".
nising dash da-ikido mii sa:
And three times he shall say this:
"gidanamikoon Marie, mwaashkineshkaagoyan zhawenjigewin, debenjiged
"Hail Mary, full of grace, the Lord is with You."
awashime gigichitwaawendaagoz endachiwaad akwewag,
"You are more blessed than any number of women,"
"gichitwaawendaagozi gaye gaa-gagishkawad J~~,"
"and blessed is Jesus, whom You carried in Your body,"
"maagiwed eshkam niibina gwayak debweyendamowin."
"who gives more and more the right faith."
"gichitwaa-Marie, wegashimik gizhe-manidoo, gaganoodamawishinaang
"Holy Mary, Mother of God, pray for us when we sin,"
"noongo gaye apii ge-niboyaang. ape ingi."
"now, and when we will be dying. Amen."
"gidanamikoon Marie . . . . . ."
"Hail Mary . . . ."
"gidanamikoon Marie . . . . . ."
"Hail Mary . . . . ."
biinish ji-ikidod: "Jesus". da-ikido maanda:
until he says: "Jesus". Then he shall say this:
"maagiwed eshkam niibina beskaneg zaagihiwewin."
"who gives more and more flaring love."
"gichitwaa-Marie, .....".
"Holy Mary, . . . .".
gii-ashkwaa-ikidod dash iwi da-ikido:
When he has finished saying that, he shall say:
"gichitwaawendaagozi weyoosimind, gaye wegosimind, gaye wenizhishid
"Glory be to the Father and to the Son, and to the Holy Ghost;"
"epiichi-gichitwaawendaagozigobane gayat, gaye noongo, gaagini gaye.
"as it was in the beginning, is now, and ever shall be. World without
"ape ingi."
miinawaa dash da-ikido:
Then again he shall say:
"noosinaa waakwiing ebiyan, ...".
"Our Father who is in heaven, ....".
midaaching dash da-ikido:
Ten times he shall say:
"gidanamikoon Marie, mwaashkineshkaagoyan zhawenjigewin,
"Hail Mary, full of grace,"
"debenjiged giwiijiiwig."
"the Lord is with You."
"awashime gigichitwaawendaagoz endachiwaad akwewag,"
"You are more blessed than any number of women,"
"gichitwaawendaagozi gaye gaa-gagishkawad Jesus".
"and blessed is Jesus, whom You carried in Your body".
da-ikido maanda: "gaa-abwezod
miskwi giinawi onji."
he will say then this: "who sweat blood for our sake",
gonimaa da-ikido meshkwad: "gaa-aabijiibaad.",
or he will say instead: "who rose from the dead",
gonimaa gaye da-ikido meshkwad: "giin gaagaangowiyan gaa-gagishkawad"
or he will say instead: "Whom You, who are Virgin, carried in your
"onji wenizhishid manidoo."
"because of the Holy Ghost.";
"gichitwaa-Marie, wegashimik, gizhe-manidoo, gaganoodamawishinaang
"Holy Mary, Mother of God, pray for us when we sin"
"noongo gaye apii ge-niboyaang. ape ingi."
"now and when we will die. Amen."
gii-ashkwaa-anamihaad dash midaaching: "gidanamikoon Marie",
When he has finished praying ten times: "Hail Mary",
da-ikido: "gichitwaawendaagozi . . . . .".
he shall say: "Glorious is . .".
midaaching dash da-ikido
Ten times he shall say:
dasing dash gaa-ashkwaa-ikidod: "Jesus",
Every time as he has finished saying: "Jesus",
da-ikido: "gaa-bashanzhehond giinawi onji",
he shall say: "who was whipped for our sake",
gonimaa meshkwad da-ikido: "gaa-izhaad waakwiing",
or he shall say instead: "who went to heaven",
gonimaa gaye meshkwad da-ikido:
or instead he shall say:
"giin gaagaangowiyan, gaa-gagishkawad a-gii-nibwaachihad Elisabeth".
"whom You, being virgin, carried while You visited Elisabeth".
gii-ashkwaa-anamihaad dash midaaching "gidanamikoon Marie",
When he has finished praying ten times "Hail Mary, ...",
da-ikido: "gichitwaawendaagozi . . . . .".
he shall say: "Glory to . . . .".
miinawaa dash da-ikido: "noosinaa waakwiing ebiyan ...",
Again he shall say: "Our Father who are in heaven ...",
midaaching dash da-ikido: "gidanamikoon Marie . . . . .".
and ten times he shall say: "Hail Mary . . ."
dasing dash gaa-ashkwaa-ikidod
Every time he has finished saying "Jesus",
da-ikido: "gaa-basikwebinind miinensagaawanzhiin giinawi onji",
he shall say: "who got tied thorns round His head for our sake",
gonimaa meshkwad da-ikido: "gaa-bi-ininaazhahwaad wenizhishinijin
or he shall say instead: "who sent us the Holy Ghost",
gonimaa gaye meshkwad da-ikido: "giin gaagaangowiyan
or he shall say instead: "whom You, as a Virgin, had as a
gii-ashkwaa-anamihaad dash midaaching "gidanamikoon Marie ...",
When he has finished praying ten times: "Hail Mary, ...",
da-ikido: "gichitwaawendaagozi ....".
he shall say: "Glory to ...".
miinawaa dash da-ikido: "noosinaa waakwiing ebiyan, ...".
And again he shall say: "Our Father who are in heaven, ...".
midaaching dash da-ikido: "gidanamikoon Marie . . . . ".
and ten times he shall say: "Hail Mary, . . . .".
dasing dash gaa-ashkwaa-ikidod "Jesus",
Every time he has finished saying: "Jesus",
gonimaa meshkwad da-ikido: "gaa-odaapinik waakwiing".
or he shall say instead: "who took you to heaven".
gonimaa gaye meshkwad da-ikido: "giin gaagaangowiyan gaa-bagidinad
Or he shall say instead: "whom you, being Virgin, let go to the
gii-ashkwaa-anamihaad dash midaaching "gidanamikoon Marie ...",
When he has finished praying ten times: "Hail Mary,...",
da-ikido: "gichitwaawendaagozi ....".
he shall say: "Glory to . . .".
miinawaa dash da-ikido: "noosinaa waakwiing ebiyan, ...".
And again he shall say: "Our Father who art in Heaven, ...".
midaaching dash gaye da-ikido: "gidanamikoon Marie ....".
And ten times he shall say: "Hail Mary, . . ."
dasing dash gaa-ashkwaa-ikidod "Jesus",
Everytime he has finished saying: "Jesus",
da-ikido: "gaa-badakakwahond jiibayaatigong giinawi onji",
he shall say: "who was nailed to the cross for our sake",
gonimaa meshkwad da-ikido: "gaa-ogimaakwewihik waakwiing",
or he shall say instead: "who made You Queen in heaven",
gonimaa gaye meshkwad da-ikido: "giin gaagaangowiyan gaa-makawad
or he shall say instead: "whom You, being Virgin, found in the
gii-ashkwaa-anamihaad dash midaaching "gidanamikoon Marie, ...",
When he has finished praying ten times: "Hail Mary, ...",
miinawaa dash ashkwaaj da-ikido "noosinaa waakwiing ebiyan",
"gidanamikoon Marie" gaye,
And again he shall finally say: "Our Father who are in Heaven,
.." and "Hail Mary, ..",
da-ikido gaye: "apegish gizhe-manidoo zhawenimaad gaasiiyaakizowining
and he shall say: "May God have mercy on those who stay in the
ashkwaaj dash da-ikido maanda anamihewin "Marie" edaming.
And finally he shall say this prayer called 'Memorare'.
"gichitwaa-Marie, gaagaangowiyan, netaa-zhaweningeyan, makwendan:"
"Holy Mary, Blessed Virgin, full of mercy, remember:"
"gaa wiikaa gii-izhi-noondaziim"
"never has anyone heard"
"ji-gii-aagonetawad awiya gaa-mamaandomiki ji-gaganoodamawad".
"that You refused someone whenever he implored You to pray for him".
"gaagaangowiyan mayaamawi-niigaaniziyan, wegashiminaa,"
"Most excellent Virgin, my Mother,"
"niin gaye ayaano-gichi-baataa-diyaa, ezhi-apenimoyaa giiyaw."
"And me although I am a great sinner, I similarly rely on You."
"I come and fly to You for protection."
"gibi-naazikoon azh-ashkendamaa a-gii-baataa-diyaa.
"I come to you, while I am sad because I have sinned. I kneel before
"Jesus wegosimad. gego webinange ezhi-mamaandominaa,"
"who have Jesus as Son. Do not reject what I implore Your help for,"
"zhawendamitawishin gaye gaganoodamawishin."
"grant my petition for pity and pray for me."
"Jesus, zhawenimishinaang."
"Jesus, have pity on us."
"Jesus, zhawenimishinaang."
"Jesus, have pity on us."
"Jesus, zhawenimishinaang."
"Jesus, have pity on us."
"gichitwaa-Marie, gaganoodamawishinaang."
"Holy Mary, pray for us."
"gichitwaa-Joseph, gaganoodamawishinaang."
"Saint Joseph, pray for us."
"gechitwaawendaagoziyeg waakwiing, gaganoodamawishinaang. ape ingi."
"You, Saints in heaven, pray for us. Amen."