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The Work of God's Children

Oromo (West-Central) Rosary Prayers
This language is also known as Galla, Oromooo, Afam Oromo, and Galla.
This language is spoken by 9,000,000 people in Oromo Region, West and Central Ethiopia.  It is also spoken in Egypt.

See also The Work of God's Children page for the illustrated version of prayers in this language.

Our Father
Yaa Abbaa keenyaa!
Waaqa irra kan jiraattu,
maqaan kee haa qulqullaa’u,
mootummaan kee haa dhufu,
jaalalli kee waaqa irratti akkuma ta’e
akkasuma lafa irrattis haa ta’u.
Kan nu ga’u buddeena keenya har’a nuuf kenni,
yakka keenyaa nuuf dhiisi,
nuyis immoo kan nu yakkaniif akkuma dhiifnu.
Qoramatti nu hin galchin,
hamaa nu oolchi malee,
mootummaan kan keeti’o,
humnis galannis
baruma baraan,

Our Father / The Lord's Prayer
Egaa yommuu kadhattan,
'Yaa isa waaqa irra jirtu abbaa
keenyaa! Maqaan kee qulqulluu
ta'ee haa eegamu; mootummaan
kee haa dhufu, jaalalli kee waaqa
irratti akka ta'u, akkasuma immoo
lafa irratti haa ta'u! Soora har'aa
bor nu barbaachisu har'a nuuf kenni!
Akkuma nuyi warra nu yakkaniif
dhiifne, yakka keenyas nuuf dhiisi!
Qoramattis nu hin galchin, hamaa nu oolchi malee.' Ameen!

Hail Mary
Nagaa keti Mariam,
barakanni kan si gute;
Waqni si wadjin;
naddenirrá ati ebifamté:
Iġa garaketi Jesus ebifames.
Ja qeddest Mariam,
Hada Waqa, nu cubamtuf,
ati nuf qaddu, ammafis
jogga dua keñattis.

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