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The Work of God's Children

Nauru Rosary Prayers
This language is also known as Nauruan.
This language is spoken by 6,000 people in Nauru Island, Pleasant Island, Nauru.

See also The Work of God's Children page for the illustrated version of prayers in this language.

A kamawireij uw,
Maria /
Hail Mary

A kamawireij uw,
Maria, wo quöt oquöt,
Demonibä türüm e otata
uw inimagät än memag
me gaganedo aan jäm
ea Jesus.

Maria, wo dereder,
auwe innen Gott, etäneij
aögema, ̂ama amät düra,
age me ian ama dae in ma.

Another version of
A kamawireij uw, Maria /
Hail Mary

(Ekakairu Naoero engab)
A kamawireij uw, Maria, wo quöt oquöt, Demonibä türüm, e otata uw inimagät än memag me gaganedo añan jäm, Jesus. Maria, wo dereder, auwe inen Gott, etäneij añögema, ñama amät düra, ñage me ian ama dae in ma. Amen.

Another version of
A kamawireij uw, Maria /
Hail Mary

(Ekakairu Naoero etsimeduw)
A kamawireiy uw, Maria, wo kwot okwot, Demoniba turum, e otata uw inimagat an memag me gaganedo angan yam, Iesu. Maria, wo dereder, auwe inen God, etaneiy angogema, ngama amat dura, ngage me ian ama dae in ma. Amen. 

Jesu Kristo Ebaptizo / Jesus is baptized
Paradis / Paradise

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