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The Work of God's Children

Mòoré Rosary Prayers
This language is also known as Moose, More, Mole, Mossi, and Moshi.
This language is spoken by 5,000,000 people in the  Central Ouagadougou area in Burkina Faso.  It is also spoken in Benin, Ghana, Mali, and Togo.

See also The Work of God's Children page for the illustrated version of prayers in this language.

Tônd Ba / Our Father / Pater Noster

Tônd Ba sê be
arzâna, tì yâmb yùur yì
ne waogre; tì yâmb
soolom wa; tì yâmb daab
maan dûniya zug wa sê
maand arzâna. Bì y kô
tônd tônd dìib dûnna wa
yâmb sê mi n kôt tônd
daar fâawâ. Bì y kô tônd
sugri tônd beegra yînga,
a wa tônd me sê kôt ìd
bèegedba sugrâ; la bì y
ra bas tônd tì d kê maker
pùgê ye la bì y fâag
tônd wêng soab nugì.


Another version of
Tond Ba / Our Father / Pater Noster

Tond Ba sen be arzanê. Y yuur yî ne pêgre. Ti y naam wa. Ti d maan yamb yam teng zugu wend b sen maand arzana.Kô-y tond riib ti seg d runda Kô-y tond d yelwêna sugri Wênd d sên kôt d taab sugri La y ra bas ti d lui kuiibg pugê ye. La y yîis d weng buud fâa pugê. Amina.

Another version of
Tond Ba / Our Father / Pater Noster
Tond Ba be arzanê sen.
Y yuur yî ne pêgre. Y yuur yî not pêgre.
Ti y naam wa. Ti wa y Naam.
Ti d maan yamb yam teng zugu wend b sen maand arzana. Ti d maan yamb yam teng zugu wend b sen maand arzana.
Kô-y tond riib ti seg d runda Kô it mows riib ti seg d runda
Kô-y tond d yelwêna sugri Kô it mows d yelwêna sugri
Wênd d sên kôt d taab sugri Wênd d sên kôt d taab sugri
La y ra bas ti d lui kuiibg pugê ye. The bottom y ra ti d him kuiibg pugê ye.
La y yîis d weng buud fâa pugê. The y yîis d weng buud fâa pugê.

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