Massachusett Rosary Prayers
This language is also known
as Wampanoag, Massachusetts, and Natick.
This extinct language was spoken by people in
southeastern Massachusetts, U.S.A.
See also The
of God's Children page for the illustrated version of
in this language.
Our Father
Nooshun kesukqut,
wunneetupantamuch koowesuounk.
Peyaumooutch kukkeitassootamoonk.
Toh anantaman ne n-naj okheit,
neane kesukqut.
Asekesukokish petukqunnegash assaminnean yeu kesukok.
Ahquontamaiinnean nummatcheseongash,
neane matchenehikqueagig nutahquontamanóunonog.
Ahque sagkompaguninnean en qutchhuaonganit,
webe pohquohwussinnan wutch matchitut.
Newutche keitassootamoonk, kutahtauun, menuhkesuonk,
sohsumoonk micheme kah micheme.