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Marshallese Rosary Prayers
This language is also known as Ebon and Kajin-Majol.
This language is spoken by 44,000 people living on the Marshall Islands.  It is also spoken in Nauru.
The Marshall Islands was formerly part of the U.S. Trust Territory of the Pacific Islands, a double chain of about 1,225 islands and reefs, which equal only about 68 square miles.

See also The Work of God's Children page for the illustrated version of prayers in this language.

Our Father / Jemāmwōj ila
Jemāmwōj ilan̄.
En kwojarjar eta.
En itok a aelōn̄.
Ren kōm̧anan ankilaam̧ilan̄,
ōt ioon la.

Rainiin kwōn letok n̄an kem kijim rainiin.
Im jo
ļo̧k amwōj uri ippa.
Im jab kade
ļo̧n̄ kem ilo kapo.
Ak kw
ōn lomren kem jān eo enana.

Another version of
 Our Father / Jememuij ilõñ:
Jememuij ilõñ:
En kwojarjar im utiej etam;
En itok am Ailiñ;
Kimin kõmõnmõn ankilam ilõl
einwõt air kõmmõn ilõñ.
Letok ñõn kim kijim rainim.
Jolok amuij bwid ibbam,
Einwõt kimij julok bwid ko an ro jet ibbem.
Am melejjõne kim en jab ellã jen jonãn,
A kwon kejbarok kim jen Eo Eana.

Another version of
 Our Father / Jememuij i lõñ:
Jememuij i lõñ,
En kwojarjar Etõm.
En itok Am ailiñ.
Ren kõmõumõu ankil Am einwõt i lõñ,
bareinwõt ion lõl.
Ranin Kwon letok ñõn kim kijim ranin.
Im jolok amuij muri ibõm,
einwõt kim ar jolok an armij muri ibem:
Im jab kadreloñ kim ilo kabo,
a lomoren kim jen eo enana.

Hail Mary / Io̧kwe eok Maria
Io̧kwe eok Maria, kwo lōn̄ kōn
menin jouj;

Irooj ej pād
Kwo jeram̧m̧an iaan kōrā raņ im
ejeram̧m̧an ineen lo̧jiōm̧, Jesus.
O Maria kwojarjar, jinen Anij,
kwōn jar kōn kem rijjerawiwi.
Kiiō im ilo iien
amwōj mej. Amen.

Silent Night/Stille Nacht
Bon emon! Aurok wot!
Ke ilo Betleem
E ar lotak Iroij Jisos,
Bwe En ber iben armij ron.
Ej na ainemon lol.
Ej na ainemon lol.
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