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The Work of God's Children

Maquiritare Rosary Prayers

This language is also known as
Maquiritari, Maiongong, Cunuana, Pawana, Soto, and Ye'cuana.
This language is spoken by 5,000 people in Bolivar State and Amazonas, near the Brazilian border on mid-Paragua, Caura, Erebato, upper Ventuari, upper Auaris, Matacuni, Cuntinano, Padama and Cunucunuma Rivers in Venezuela. It is also spoken in Brazil.

See also The Work of God's Children page for the illustrated version of prayers in this language.

Our Father / The Lord's Prayer

Edääjeene Wanaadi wwä adha'deutäcä'de:

Jaaja caju ñano,

Töwaanadiiyöcoomoje adhe'tä'ña'to soto;

töcaajichaanaichomooje ayöödö'ña'to.

Ämjummadö woije nödö'ña'to edä nono de'woncomo, caju

ñancomo tönnöe weneenetoodöje mmaja.

  1. Ñaa ewanshiñö änu'cä edä anootoi'chädö awä.

  2. Ñaa cone'nadiiyö encwanno'jocä, ñaa mmaja töjääcä conemjönö tödöödö tönencwanno'jo ñaa weneenedööje mmaja.

  3. Ñaa mäiñunaacajoi'che; tösancwajoone ñaa sancwajoocä conemjönö jonno.



    Ñäädä mma amäädä Cajiichaana Jäduujato, aashichato wa'deuto'mato mmaja, yeichöödäje. Amén; quee caichäcä'de.

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