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The Work of God's Children

Mansaka Rosary Prayers
This language is also known as Mandaya Mansaka.
This language is spoken by 58,000 people in Eastern Davao and Davao Oriental Provinces, Mindanao, Philippines. The Mansaka tribe is a sub-group of Mandaya and they are chiefly found in Compostela Valley, the southeastern area of Mindanao (south of Philippines).

See also The Work of God's Children page for the illustrated version of prayers in this language.

Ama nami / Our Father / The Lord's Prayer / Pater Noster
Ama nami na aglangit,
gosto nami na abay kaw taodon nang kariko nang otaw,
labaw pa sang kariko.
Gosto nami na madatung da yang allaw na ikaw yang magaari da kanami.
Gosto nami na amatoman da nami yang kanmo pagbuut kanami asining donya,
mayn aglangit na yabay pangagdan yang kanmo pagbuut.
Atagi kami nang kanami pagkaan alawallaw.
Pasaylowa kami sang kanami manga sara maynang kanami pagpasaylo sang yakasara kanami.
Paawata kami sang pagsoray ni Satanas,
tabangi kami antak di kami daugun naan.

A literal translation of
Ama nami / Our Father / Pater Noster:
Ama nami
Pater noster
Our Father

na iyan dig pagawanan
Qui es in caelis
Who art in Heaven

apasayaun yang Kanmo aran
Sanctificetur nomen tuum
Hallowed by Thy name.

madatung kanami yang kanmo pyag-ariyan
Adveniat regnum tuum
Thy Kingdom come,

amatoman yang kanmo pagbuut
Fiat voluntas tua
Thy will be done

dini sang lopa asta dig pagawanan
Sicut in caelo et in terra
On earth as it is in Heaven.

  yang kanunun nami sang allaw-allaw
Panem nostrum quotidianum
our daily bread

atagi kanami adoon na allaw
Da nobis hodie
give us this day.

aw pasaylowa kami sang kanami mga sara
Et dimitte nobis debita nostra
Forgive us our trespasses

mainang yagapasaylo kami
Sicut et nos dimittimus
as we forgive those

  sang yakasara kanami
Debitoribus nostris
who trespass against us.

  aw dili mo kami togyanan sang karaat
Et ne nos inducas in tentationem
Lead us not into temptation.

hinonowa libwasa kami sang karaat. Amen.
Sed libera nos a malo. Amen.
But deliver us from evil. Amen.

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