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The Work of God's Children

Malu Rosary Prayers
This language is also known as To'Abaita, Marau, Malu'u, and To'Ambaita.
This language is spoken by 13,000 people in north Malaita Island, Solomon Islands.

See also The Work of God's Children page for the illustrated version of prayers in this language.

Our Father / Maka kamilia no ni thalo
Maka kamilia no ni thalo,
keki faaabua thatamu.
Tooa oe kai lae mai.
Keki ilia si do no thatha-midaki iano kai 'uria lau boo i thalo.
Oki falea mai fan_a kamilia itaraena kai talaana itaraena.
Ma oki manata lube kamilia ana abula taa la kamilia ki,
'uria lau boo na miki manata lube kere na kera abula taa iamilia.
Ma osi talai kamilia isana bae alin_a la,
oki suusi kamilia faisia tha Taa,
sulaania na do oe na n_a sukwaia,
ma n_a inotoa, toto si sui.

Hail Mary / Ave Maria
Ave Maria; grasia e
uvera amu; na Araha e
oni apimu; ikera soe siani
amu ana rikimana keni,
na ikera soe siani ana
Iesu Karemu.
Santa Maria, Nikena
God, o ko misi hamami,
iami inoni taa, puino, na
ana horoa ami ka mae.

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