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The Work of God's Children

Lugbara Rosary Prayer
This language is also known as High Lugbara.
This language is spoken by 200,000 people in west Nile District, Uganda.  It is also spoken in the Democratic Republic of the Congo.

See also The Work of God's Children page for the illustrated version of prayers in this language.

Our Father
Tata na beto kele na zulu,
Bika zina na nge kuvanda ya lukumu,
Bika Kimfumu na nge kwisa,
Bika luzolo na nge kusalama awa na ntoto bonso na zulu,
Pesa beto bubu yai madia yina ya beto ke na yo mfunu,
Bikisila beto bantu ya masumu mutindu
beto mpe me bikisilaka bantu yina me salaka beto imbi.
Kubikisa beto ve na kumona mpasi ya kuluta mingi,
kansi katula beto namaboko ya muntu ya imbi.

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