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The Work of God's Children

 Jivaro Rosary Prayers
This language is also known as
Shuar, Wivaro, Jibaro, Chiwaro, Shuara, and Javara
  This language is spoken by 
47,000 in the southeastern jungle in Morona-Santiago Province, Ecuador.

See also The Work of God's Children page for the illustrated version of prayers in this language.

Aparu Yus / Our Father / Pater Noster

6:9 Nu asamtai Yus áujkuram Júnis Títiniaitrume:
'Aparu Yus, nayaimpiniam pujamna nu, ii Aparínme.
Ame Náarmincha shuar ántar pachischarti.

6:10 Ashí aentsnum ame akupkatin tsawantrum wari jeati. Ame wakeramuram nayaimpiniam umikma ana Núnisan ju nunkanmasha Uminkiatí.
6:11 Aparu, ii yurumkari Ashí tsawant amasta.
6:12 Tura winia nemasrun tsankurajna Núnismek,
Aparu, winia tunaaru tumashrisha tsankurturta.
6:13 Tunáa wakeruktin tsankatrukaip.
Antsu Ashí tunaanumia uwemtikrurta.
Tuke Ashí aents akupkamniaitme.
Núnisam Amesha tuke ti kakarmaitme.
Tura ti Shíiraitme. Tuma asakmin seajme.
Nuke Atí.'

Ave Mariya / Hail Mary / Ave Maria

Ave Mariya; ashi ya nangamasa jeauai, taita Yusa amue ti aneama, uruka ti make pujamue, amiu uchi Jesus amuesha nuki, tuke nungana aneasti.

Santa Mariya, Jesus nukuru, inuma Yusa chichasta, uia aneako yamai kajerkaipa, ukuna mesermatahe tungurana uichati nayaimbi umierum. Turuati.

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