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The Work of God's Children

Izi Rosary Prayers
This language is also known as
Izi-Ezaa-Ikwo-Mgobo and Izzi.
This language is spoken by 593,000 people 
including 200,000 speaking the Izi dialect, 180,000 speaking the Ezaa dialect, 150,000 speaking the Ikwo dialect, and 63,000 speaking the Mgbo dialect in Ebonyi and Benue States, Nigeria.

See also The Work of God's Children page for the illustrated version of prayers in this language.

Our Father / The Lord's Prayer

"Ọo ya bụ l'ụwa-a g'unu e-pfuje anụ Chileke baa: Gụbe Nna anyi, bu l'imigwe! G'e dobe ẹpha ngu iche; Goshinu l'oo gụbedua bụ eze. G'e meje iphe dụ ngu l'uche l'eliphe g'eemeje iya l'imigwe. Nụnu anyi nri ntanụ-a; Nri, a-sụjeru anyi eri mbọku-mbọku. Gụaru anyi nvụ l'ẹka anyi mesweru ngu; Ganyi gụru ndụ mesweru anyibẹdua. Te kwekwa g'anyi nmalahụ l'iphe ọhutama. Nafụtachikwaa anyi g'anyi ta aba l'ẹka Onye-Njọ. Kẹle ọo ngu bụ eze iphemiphe; Bya abụru ngu new ike; nweru akpabiri jasụ lẹ tututu lẹ mịmimi. Nokwa g'ọ du. Kẹle ọ -bụru l'unu agụjeru ndụ ọzo nvụ l'iphe ẹji, ẹphe meru unu; Nna unu, bu l'imigwe a-gụjekwarupho unu nvụ l'ọphu unu meru iya. Obenu teke ọ bụ l'unu ta agụjeduru ndụ ọzo nvụ l'iphe ẹji, ẹphe meru unu; ọo ya bụ lẹ Nna unu ta byadu agụru unu nvụ l'iphe ẹji, unu meru iya.” - Matiyu 6:9-15

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