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The Work of God's Children

Inuit Rosary Prayers
This language is also known as Inuktitut, Labrador, Eastern Canadian Eskimo, and Eastern Arctic Eskimo.
This language is spoken by 14,000 people on Baffin Island and in Quebec and Labrador, Canada.

See also The Work of God's Children page for the illustrated version of prayers in this language.

Our Father
Attatavut killangmetotit,
akkit usorolirsuk;
nallegaueet aggerle.
Pekkurset killangme nuuametog tamaikile;

tuunisigut ullume nekiksautivnik.
Pissaraunatnlo akeetsorauta,
pissengilaguttog akeetsortivut.
Ursennartomut pisitsarauneta;
annatigulle ajortomit.

Another version of
Our Father / The Lord's Prayer:

Atâtavut кilangeme! Attît

10  Nâlegauvît кailaule. Pijomajat piniartaule nunam
sorlo кilangme.

11  Uvlome piksaptingnik tunitjivigitigut.

12  Idunluinivut issumagijungnaikit, sorlo uvagut
idluitulivigijivut issumagijungnaivigigaptigik.

13   Oktortaulungnermut pitinata. Piulitigulle
ajortomit. Nâlegauneк, pitsartunerlo, ânanaunerlo
pigigangne issoкangitomut. Amen.

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