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The Work of God's Children

 Hmong Daw Rosary Prayers
This language is also known as White Meo, White Miao, Meo Kao, White Lum, and Bai Miao.
This language is spoken by 170,000 in Laos and Thailand; also in USA, China, France, and Vietnam.

See also The Work of God's Children page for the illustrated version of prayers in this language.

Cov Tubkhaiv Kev Ntseeg / The Apostles' Creed

Kuv ntseeg Vaajtswv
tug kws yog Vaaj Leej Txiv tug luj kawg nkaus,
tug tsim ntuj tsim teb,

Kuv ntseeg Tswv Yexus Kheto kws yog Vaajtswv tuableeg Tub,
tug kws tau tshwmsim lug ntawm Vaaj Ntsuj Plig
tug Dlawbhuv lub fwjchim hab tau yug lug ntawn
tug nkauj xwb Maiv Lag.
Nwg tau raug kev tsimtxom ntawn Phislaj.
Nwg tau raug luas muab ntsa rua sau tug ntoo khaublig.
Nwg tau tuag hab coj moog log.
Nwg tau moog rua ntuj tsaus.
Nub peb Nwg tau sawv huv qhov tuag rov qaab lug muaj txujsa nyob.
Nwg tau nce moog nyob sau ceebtsheej ntuj,
moog nyob ntawm Vaaj Leej Txiv,
kws yog Vaajtswv tug muaj fwjchim luj kawg nkaus, saab tegxis.
Nwg yuav rov qaab lug ua tug Txav Txim rua txhua tug,
cov kws tseem nyob hab cov kws tuag lawm.

Kuv ntseeg Vaaj Ntsuj Plig tug Dlawbhuv,
tuab paug ntseeg kws dlawbhuv,
txujkev sis sau uake ntawm cov ntseeg,
txujkev zaam txim,
txujkev sawv huv qhov tuag rov qaab lug,
hab yuav tau txujsa nyob ntev.

Peb Leej Txwv / Vaajtswv Txujlug Thov / Our Father / The Lord's Prayer / Pater Noster
9b Peb leej txwv kws nyob sau ntuj Thov Kuas suavdawg fwm koj lub npe.
10 Thov koj lug kaav tuabneeg lub sab. Thov kuas ib puas tsaav yaam kws nyob huv npalteb nuav ua lawv le koj lub sab nyam, ib yaam le ib puas tsaav yaam kws nyob sau ntuj tub ua lawv le koj lub sab nyam.
11 Thov koj pub kuas nub nua peb muaj txaus noj txaus haus.
12 Thov koj zaam txem tsua peb, ib yaam le peb tau zaam txem tsua tug kws tau ua txhum tsua peb lawm.
13 Thov koj tsw xob kheev ib yaam daabtsw lug ntxag peb.
Hab thov koj paab kuas peb dim ntawm Daab Ntxwg Nyoog txhais teg.

Peb Leej Txiv / Vaajtswv Txujlug Thov / Our Father / The Lord's Prayer / Pater Noster
Peb leej txiv tus uas nyob saum ntuj ceeb tsheej,
Thov kom sawvdaws hwm koj lub npe.
10 Thov koj los kav neeg lub siab,
Thov koj pab peb kom peb ua tau raws li koj lub siab nyiam, ib yam txhua txhia leej uas nyob saum ntuj ua raws li koj lub siab nyiam.
11 Thov koj pub mov rau peb noj hnub no.
12 Thov koj zam txim rau peb ib yam li peb twb zam txim rau txhua tus uas ua txhaum rau peb lawm.
13 Thov koj tsis txhob cia tej krv txhaum ntxias peb, Thiab thov koj pab kom peb dim ntawm Dab Ntxwg Nyoog txhais tes.

Peb Leej Txiv / Vaajtswv Txujlug Thov / Our Father / Pater Noster
Peb Leej Txiv tug kws nyob sau ceebtsheej ntuj
Peb thov fwm Koj lub npe kws dlawbhuvthov
Koj lug kaav peb lub sab
Thov kuas
Koj teg dlejnum tav rua huv nplajteb nuav ib yaam le sau ceebtsheej ntuj ko
Thov pub zaub mov rua peb noj nub nua
Thov zaam peb nov txim ib yaam le peb tau zaam rua lwm tug
Thov tsi txhob ca peb moog raug txujkev dlaag ntxag
Tabsis thov coj peb moog kuas dlhau txujkev phemLub tebchaws,
lub fwjchim, hab txuj koob moov yog
Koj tug moog taag ibtxhis.

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