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The Work of God's Children

 Eshira Rosary Prayers
This language is also known as Sira, Gisira, Isira, Ichara, Ishira, Yichira, Shira, and Shire.
This language is spoken by 40,000 in Ngounie Province, Gabon.

See also The Work of God's Children page for the illustrated version of prayers in this language.

Hail Mary

Ni a ku bwegisi, Maria, u tubu na gras,
Nyambi ai n'agu, u vegu maboti vyaganu
na bagetu botsu, na Jezu, mwan'agu a na
maboti motsu.
Santa Maria, Nguyi Nyambi, du ambilili
yƩtu bisi mabi, na mapapa na ve digwera
di gufu etu. Amen.

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