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The Work of God's Children

 Erromangan Rosary Prayers
This language is also known as Sie, Eromanga, and Erramanga.
This language is spoken by 1,500 people on Erromanga Island, Vanuatu.

See also The Work of God's Children page for the illustrated version of prayers in this language.

Itemen e kam u'npoku'p / Our Father
Itemen e kam u'npoku'p,
eti tumpora nin enugkik.
Elum lo' enugkik.
Uti numpi sugku' taru' su' enugkik
ra nemap sugku' u'mnumpi su' u'npoku'p.
Ovugkam ire' nevag nisekomam.
Mefielentugkam sat su' enugkam,
sugku' ka kemlafielentokonda mori
umnumpi sat iramam.
Metu'to'rokam ram tapmi,
ko' semsimpari iramam marugi sat su';
it lo' enugkik, im horog, im nilasilaswi,
u'vu'm nevisu', indo'wi, indo'wi.

Note: (') following a letter means there is a macron of that letter.

Another version of
Itemen e kam u'npoku'p / Our Father
Itemen e kam ūnpokūp,
eti tumpora nin enugkik.
Elum lō enugkik.
Uti numpi sugkū tarū sū enugkik
ra nemap sugkū ūmnumpi sū ūnpokūp.
Ovugkam irē nevag nisekomam.
Mefielentugkam sat sū enugkam,
sugkū ka kemlafielentokonda mori
umnumpi sat iramam.
Metūtōrokam ram tapmi,
kō semsimpari iramam marugi sat sū;
it lō enugkik, im horog, im nilasilaswi,
ūvūm nevisū, indōwi, indōwi.

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