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The Work of God's Children

Crow Rosary Prayers
This language is also known as Apsaaloke.
This is language is spoken by 4,280 people in southern Montana, USA.

See also The Work of God's Children page for the illustrated version of prayers in this language.

Min-upguá / Our Father
Min-upguá, akmakukuré
danashé izishíu;
andibabazéze máre híi;
ba-an-da-nas'-dó-díu makukuré,
arakóte amé áken kuh karakotíi.
Maré mapam-barú sua hinné mapé mirikiú
míru baskotáo arakavirét bavíavuk,
Dih maré arakiverétta mirikiú:
arakavía maré diazíssa:
bagavía gagúa maré hizíssa.

Dihkiamázi, Mary / Hail Mary
There are three versions of this; this is the first one:
Dihkiamázi, Mary,
Akbatatdía diágpak,
andináshde ahúk;
mía gagún hére izé wassé dik,
danáke Jesus kuh izé wassák.
St. Mary Akbatatdía isaké
maré arakavíbishik, zivaká mirikiú hinaké;
kanbashvíavurak kuh zivaká mirikiú.

This is the second version:
Dihkiamazi Mary / Hail Mary
 Dihkiamazi Mary, akbatatdia diagpak,
Andinashde Ahuk;
Mia gagua here ize wasse dik danake, Jesus kuh ize wassak.
Saint Mary Akbatatdia isake mare arakavibishik,
Zivaka mirikiu hirabe;
Kanbashviavurak kuh zivaka mirikiu.

This is the third version:
Dihkiamazi, Mary / Hail Mary
 Dihkiamazi, Mary,
Akbatatdia diagpak,
andinashde ahuk;
mia gagua here ize
wasse dik danake, Jesus
kuh ize wassak.
St. Mary Akbatatdia
isake mare
arakavibishik, zivaka
mirikiu hinake;
kanbashviavurak kuh
zivaka mirikiu.
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