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The Work of God's Children

 Ch'orti Rosary Prayers
  This language is 
spoken by 30,000 people on Guatemala's eastern border with Honduras. It is also spoken in Honduras.

See also The Work of God's Children page for the illustrated version of prayers in this language.

Catata Dios / Our Father

9b Catata Dios xe' turet tichan, catattz'i ac'ab'a xe' erach.

  1. Lar tua' ic'otori tara tor e rum wacchetaca. Y chen lo que ac'ani tara tor e rum b'an cocha war ache tichan tut e q'uin.

  2. Ajc'unon lo que uc'ani tua' cac'uxi tama inte' inte' día.

  3. C'umpen tacaron tamar camab'amb'anir lo que cay cache toit net, b'an cocha war cac'umpa taca tin e cay uchiob' e mab'amb'anir

    capater ub'an.

  4. Ira awacton tua' capijchna sino que corpeson tama tunor uc'otorer e diablo. Porque net jax Careyet, y net ayan meyra ac'otorer, y net ayan meyra atawarer xe' machi tua' ac'apa. Amén.


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