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The Work of God's Children

Cakchiquel (Eastern) Rosary Prayers
This language is spoken by 100,000 in an area northwest of and near Guatemala City, Guatemala.

See also The Work of God's Children page for the illustrated version of prayers in this language.

Our Father
Katata' Dios ratc'o chila' chicaj, xtibanatüj ta c'a que conojel ta ri vinük nquiya' ta ruk'ij ri lok'olüj abi'.
Y xteka-pe yan ta c'a ri k'ij tok ja rat ri ncatoc ri Jun ri nabün mandar pa kavi'. Y xe ta c'a ri najo' rat que nban chere' chuvüch re ruch'ulef, xe ta ri' ri nkabün, cachi'el nquibün ri yec'o aviq'uin chila' chicaj.
Y taya' c'a chuka' ri kavay ri nc'atzin cheke ronojel k'ij.
Y cachi'el nyekacuy ri vinük ri c'o nquibün cheke, quiri' ta tabana' kiq'uin roj, tacuy ta c'a ronojel ri man utz tüj ri nyekabün chavüch.
Y man c'a taya' k'ij que ri itzel nbün ta cheke que nkutzak pa mac. Kojacolo' c'a chuvüch. Quiri' ri nkac'utuj, roma xaxe c'a rat ri ratc'o pa kavi', c'o avuchuk'a', y c'o ak'ij richin jumul. Quiri vi.

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