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The Work of God's Children

Balochi (Western) Rosary Prayers
This language is also known as Baluchi, Baloci, and Baluci.
This language is spoken by 1,116,000 people in the northwestern Balochistan Province in Pakistan.  It is also spoken in Iran, Afghanistan, Turkmenistan, and Tajikistan.

See also The Work of God's Children page for the illustrated version of prayers in this language.

Phiṯh manī / Our Father / Pater Noster
There are two variations of the Our Father.  This is the first version:

Phiṯh manī, ki bihishtā asti: thai nām pāk bī.
Thai rāj khāi. Thai marzī cho ki bihishtā phīlave, īrge jihānā phīļav bī.
Mai harro whard maroshe mārā de.
Cho ki mā waṯhī wāmdārār bashkṯho dātha, īrge thau mai wām bashk de.
Mārā sai ma khanain, aẕh Shaitānā darbar.

This is a second version:   Our Father / The Lord's Prayer in Cyrillic from the Gospel of Saint Luke:

Вахте ки дуā-а канит, е давл бгушит:
«Йā Парвардигāр! Тӣ нāм муқаддас бӣт, тӣ пāдишāҳӣ барқарāр бӣт.
(3) Ризк у розӣ аммāpā ҳар роч бдай.
(4) Аммай гунāҳāнā бахшā,
чош ки кассе па аммā гунāҳе кант,
аммā āйрā бахшāан. Аммāрā би васвасā ма прен».

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