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The Work of God's Children

 Bali Rosary Prayers
This language is also known as Balinese.
This language is spoken by 3,900,000 people in the Island of Bali. northern Nusanepida,
western Lombok Islands and east of Java; also in south Sulawesi, Indonesia.

See also The Work of God's Children page for the illustrated version of prayers in this language.

Ajin titiang sane ring swarga / Our Father / Pater Noster
Ajin titiang sane ring swarga,
parab Palungguh Aji mangda kaluwihang,
Pamerentahan Palungguh Aji mangda kaadegang,
pakarsan Palungguh Aji mangda ja mamargi iriki ring mercapada,
sakadi ring swarka.
Ring rahinane mangkin, icen ja titiang pangan kinum setegepipun.
Ampurayang ja iwang titiange,
sakadi titiang ngaksamayang anake sane sampun maiwang ring titiang.
Maliha sampunang titiang kabakta ring genah gegodane,
nanging bebasang ja titiang saking I Jahat.

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