This language is also known as Uab Meto, Atoni, “Dawan” , Meto, Orang Gunung, “Rawan” , Timol, Timor, “Timor Dawan” , Timoreesch, Timoreezen, Timorese, Uab Atoni Pah Meto, Uab Pah Meto. This language is spoken by people on Western Timor Island in Indonesia.
See also The Work of God's Children page for the illustrated version of prayers in this language.
Sign of the Cross / Signum Crucis
(T)eik Amaf ma Anmone ma Roh Kudus Sin kanan. Amin.
Hai Amâ / Our Father / Pater Noster
Hai Amâ es neno tunan hai mpules Hit kanak, Hit pahe ném, Hit loimte njali nbin pah pinan namnes on a-nbin neno tunan. Tfe kai mnahat neno-neno nok neno i. Tafeitin hai sanat, on hai mifeitin atoni lê nasanab neu kai. Kaisâ tatam kai neu maufinu, me tasoin kai nâko amleüt.
Tabê Maria / Hail Mary / Ave Maria Tabê Maria, taheun nok halinat, Uis Neno nok Kit; Hai mpules Kit neis nâko bife ok-okê; hai mpules nok Hit Anah Yesus.
Santa Maria Uis Neno in Ainaf, tönen a-ttulun kai, atoin-asanab, nbin tabu i nok a-nbin tabu hai mmaet. Amin.
Taüis teu Amaf / Glory Be to the Father / Gloria Patri Taüis teu Amaf ma Anmone ma Roh Kudus! Onlê un-unû, munî i piuta, talantea nabalbal. Amin.