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The Work of God's Children

 Aztec (Central Nahuatl) Rosary Prayers
This language is also known as 
Central Aztec and Nahuatl del Centro.
This language is spoken by 40,000 people in the states of Tlaxcala and Puebla, Mexico.

See also The Work of God's Children page for the illustrated version of prayers in this language.

ToTajtzin aquin tinemi ne ilhuicac / Our Father / Pater Noster
ToTajtzin aquin tinemi ne ilhuicac,
ma mitzyectenehua nochi tlacatl.
Ma huajla on tonaltin ijcuac ticmandaros nochi tlacatl.
Ipan in tlalticpactli on tlacamej ma
quichihuacan on tlen ticnequi ijcon quen nochihua ne ilhuicac.
Aman xtechmaca tlen ticuasquej on yejhuan mojmostla ica tipanotoquej.
Niman xtechtlapojpolhuili totlajtlacolhuan ijcon
quen tejhuamej tiquintlapojpolhuiyaj on yejhuan tlajtlamach xcualji techchihuiliaj.
Niman xtechpalehui para ma ca titlajtlacosquej,
yej xtechejcuanilij nochi tlen xcuajli.
Timitztlajtlaniliaj yejhua in pampa ticpia tequihuajyotl,
nimal poder, niman hyueyilistli para nochipa.

Teotl mitz pahcahyohui Maria / Hail Mary / Ave Maria
Teotl mitz pahcahyohui Maria
te temiticah in tlen cuacaultzin
in tlacatzintli cah ica tehua
huan ica tematzin 
ticah ica nochi zohuameh
huan man ye ica Teotl
in xochicualli in moihtic tic pia
Jesus, mah ihquion mochihua

zohua Teotl Maria
te Nantzin in Teotl
topan xi tlahto tlen otic huicaqueh necuil ohtli
cuac ye ti miquizcueh
huan cuac yo ti miqueh
mah ihquion mochihua

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