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The Work of God's Children

Atsi Rosary Prayers
This language is also known as Zaiwa, Tsaiwa, Atzi, Aci, Atsi-Maru, Szi, and Xioashanua.
This language is spoken in the Yunnan Province, southern China, and in Myanmar(Burma).

See also The Work of God's Children page for the illustrated version of prayers in this language.

Awe Maria / Hail Mary / Ave Maria
Awe Maria, chyēju māgam
banshaw e bying taw ra;
nang e Hpǎra Sinsu nyi taw ra;
miwe wi nunglang
ban chyāraw ma na hpung je
kaw ra, nang
e ung hkau ma baw taw
ra Hpāra Yesu
le hpung kaw be aw.
Chyoi pya le Maria, Hpāra e
yangnu, ăhkwi mai,
shi ra  āhkying ma le, ihpyit
baw taw ra ngamaw
mătu ǎkyu dung byi la aw.
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