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The Work of God's Children

 Arabic (North Levantine) Rosary Prayers
This language is also known as
Levantine Arabic, North Levantine Arabic, Lebanese-Syrian Arabic, Syro-Lebanese Arabic
This language is spoken by 8,800,000 people in Syria, Lebonese-Central Syrian and North Syrian. Worldwide, over 14,000,000 people speak this language.

See also The Work of God's Children page for the illustrated version of prayers in this language.

Abūna ellé bel-sama / Our Father / Pater Noster
Abūna ellé bel-sama,
Xallé esmak yet’addas,
Xallé malakūtak yejé,
Xallé mašī’tak tşīr bel-aređ metel ma bel-sama.
Xebezna ħājetna kel yōm cţīna yyē.
W sēmeħelna ğalaţna metel ma neħna mensēmeħ lallé ğelţo macna.
W ma tdaxxelna bel-tajerbé,
Bas xalleşna men el-šar.
La’anno la-elak el-malakūt w el-uwwé w el-majed lal-abad. Ēmīn.

Another Version:
bayyna / The Lord's Prayer / Pater Noster

bayyna yallé bissama, ismak m2addas, tiji mamlaktak, tkoon 2ersadat 3ala el 2ard mitil ma hiyyé bilsama. 3Teena khibzna kfaayé la kil yawm wo saami7na 3an 2a3maalna el 3aatlé mitil ma ni7na binsaami7 yallé be 3aamloona bìl 3aatil, ma tkhaleena noo2a3 bil tajaarib bas khallisna min el shar, le 2anno 2ìlík el mamlaké, el 2oowé wil 3azamé, 2inta el bayy wil 2ibn wil roo7 el 2idus, halla2 wo la 2aakhir el kawn.

salaam 2iliké ya mariam / Hail Mary / Ave Maria
2issalaam (Hail Mary)

salaam 2iliké ya mariam,
ya miliané ni3mé, 2alla ma3ik,
el baraké inté baiyn el sittat
wo el baraké lal khili2 min batnik,
seedna yasoo3 el masee7,
ya mar mariam, ya 2im 2alla
salleelna ni7na yallé mnukhté;
hall2 wo bas ma nijinmoot.

Notes on pronunciation:
(a) 7 = Heh, palatal sound
(b) 3 = Aiyn, glottal sound
(c) 2 = Hamzé, palatal short & broken sound as in the beginning of “Air” in English
(d) kh = Khe as in the Greek X for XRISTOS – Christ

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